Feeling overwhelmed as a new author?
Over on my blog for general writing tips (not tailored to sapphic books), I recently blogged about writer overwhelm. A writer’s never-ending to-do list can feel daunting, especially if you are a new author of sapphic fiction.
Writing your first book or maybe your second while also trying to establish your author platform and prepare your book launch can feel like juggling too many balls at the same time.
I can imagine that even checking out all the information on the Sapphic Quill might feel intimidating.
So I thought I would outline a roadmap and tell you where to start as a new author of sapphic fiction—and what you can ignore for now.
Top 5 steps to tackle as a new author of sapphic fiction
If you’re just starting out, here are the five areas to focus on right now, with the most important steps listed first:
- Write a great book your readers will love. That’s a big task; I know. It becomes more manageable if you break it down into smaller steps and tackle only one step at a time. To improve your writing craft and your manuscript, some of these steps could be: Look for a couple of beta readers who will give you feedback on your manuscript. Hire an editor with plenty of experience in your genre. Read a craft book that covers a weak spot in your writing and use it to revise your manuscript.
- Make sure you have a great cover and blurb. The “packaging” of your book is as important as its content. Learn how to write a blurb (book description) that will hook readers, and find a professional graphic designer to create your cover.
- Build a platform you own. While connecting with readers on social media is important, you don’t own these platforms. They could cease to exist or change their algorithms at any time. So focus on setting up a website and a newsletter. If you can only do one of these things for now, start a newsletter. It will be your most important way to reach readers and market your books.
- Establish a social media presence. Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be on all platforms. Pick one or two social media channels where readers of your subgenre hang out and where you enjoy being.
- Find help getting the word out. If you’re a new author of sapphic fiction, your platform will still be small, so the best way to market your book is to borrow the platform of someone in your genre who has already built a bigger platform. Two easy and free things you can do is to submit your book to the I Heart SapphFic new release newsletter (or their BookFinder database if it’s no longer a new release) and to enter your book into a cross-promotion of your choice.
There will be time to tackle the more complex tasks later, but for now, focus on getting your book written and making it the best it can be at this stage of your career, then taking small, manageable steps that will help sell your book.